
Power Up is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. In an effort to achieve this goal a comprehensive health and safety program has been developed and implemented. Continued improvement of our Health and Safety Program and the active participation in this program by all Power Up employees ensures success in achieving our goal of an accident free workplace.
The Management of Power Up recognizes the right of all employees to hace a safe and healthy workplace and supports the participation of all employees in the Health and Safety Program.
All employees and service contractors are responsible to work safely and to know and follow Power Up’s health and safety policies and procedures. Employees and service contractors are also required to follow the WorkSafeBC Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and all other applicable health and safety legislation.
Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility. It is the belief of Power Up that management, supervisors and employees must all work together in the spirit of cooperation and contribution to health and safety in order to achieve our goal of an accident free workplace.
Safety is paramount and therefore regular safety meetings are held and BC Hydro FYI’s and Updates are distributed. Power Up provides ongoing safety training such as confined space rescue, first aid training, semi annual pole top and bucket truck rescue, PSSP, as well as environmental training and minimum approach distance training. We are committed to maintaining equipment in the highest quality following appropriate testing and certification guidelines. We provide safety and personal protective equipment to ensure jobs are completed safely.